What Is New in Rails 5.2
Active Storage
Active Storage supports modern approach for file uploading to Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure Cloud file storage. It will also provide references to active record database tables active_storage_blobs
and active_storage_attachments
. rails active_storage:install
will install initial setup for active storage.Configure and setup config/storage.yml
cloud credentials and storage buckets.
service: Disk
root: <%= Rails.root.join("storage") %>
service: Disk
root: <%= Rails.root.join("tmp/storage") %>
service: S3
access_key_id: ""
secret_access_key: ""
bucket: ""
region: ""
Redis Cache Store
Rails 5.2 ships with built-in Redis cache store. The Redis cache store takes advantage of Redis support for automatic eviction when it reaches max memory, allowing it to behave much like a Memcached cache server.
Finally, add the configuration in the relevant config/environments/*.rb
config.cache_store = :redis_cache_store, { url: 'redis://redis-server:6379' }
HTTP/2 Early Hints
This means we can automatically instruct the web server to send required style sheet and JavaScript assets early. Which means faster full page delivery.
To start the server with Early Hints enabled pass --early-hints
to rails server
Added config/credentials.yml.enc
file to store production app secrets. It allows saving any authentication credentials for third-party services directly in repository encrypted with a key in the config/master.key
file or the RAILS_MASTER_KEY
environment variable
To add new secret to credentials, first run rails secret to get a new secret. Then run rails credentials:edit to edit credentials, and add the secret. Running credentials:edit creates new credentials file and master key, if they did not already exist.
By default, this file contains the application’s secret_key_base
, but it could also be used to store other credentials such as access keys for external APIs.
The secrets kept in credentials file are accessible via Rails.application.credentials
. For example, with the following decrypted config/credentials.yml.enc
secret_key_base:<secret key base>
api_client_key: <secret key1>
api_client_secret: <secret key2>
Content Security Policy
Content security policy can be configured as a global default policy and then override it on a per-resource basis and even use lambdas to inject per-request values into the header such as account subdomains in a multi-tenant application.
The HTTP Content-Security-Policy
response header allows web site administrators to control resources the user agent is allowed to load for a given page. With a few exceptions, policies mostly involve specifying server origins and script endpoints.
Example – # config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb
Rails.application.config.content_security_policy do |policy|
policy.default_src :self, :https
policy.font_src :self, :https, :data
policy.img_src :self, :https, :data
policy.object_src :none
policy.script_src :self, :https
policy.style_src :self, :https
# Specify URI for violation reports
policy.report_uri "/csp-violation-report-path"
Example controller overrides:
# Override policy inline
class PostsController < ApplicationController
content_security_policy do |p|
p.upgrade_insecure_requests true
# Using literal values
class PostsController < ApplicationController
content_security_policy do |p|
p.base_uri "https://www.example.com"
# Disabling the global CSP
class PagesController < ApplicationController
content_security_policy false, only: :index
References: https://guides.rubyonrails.org/5_2_release_notes.html