MongoDB Replica Set - Localhost and Ops Manager

Setup Local DevEnv Replica Set

  1. update mongod.conf for replication

     #edit /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
         destination: file
         path: /usr/local/var/log/mongodb/mongo.log
         logAppend: true
         dbPath: /usr/local/var/mongodb
         replSetName: rs0
         oplogSizeMB: 100
  1. Restart mongodb service

     brew services restart mongodb

  2. log on to mongo shell and initiate replica set

     rs.initiate({_id: "rs0", members: [{_id: 0, host: ""}] })

    verify replication members with rs.status()

Mongodb Ops Manager

Ops Manager is a management application from mongodb and its available as part of MongoDB Enterprise. Ops Manager enables to configure and maintain MongoDB nodes and clusters.

Server Pool

Ops Manager Server Pool allows Ops Manager users with administrative privileges, i.e. Ops Manager Administrators, to maintain a pool of provisioned servers that already have installed. When users in a project want to create a new MongoDB deployment, they can request servers from this pool to host the MongoDB deployment.

If you manage large or multiple MongoDB clusters, you probably find yourself scaling them up, and perhaps down, on demand. And if you’re providing MongoDB as a service to your developer teams, scaling requirements might come with little to no notice.

With a few clicks in the Ops Manager GUI, or via a simple API call, you can add new nodes to a cluster, and remove then when they are no longer needed. MongoDB automatically rebalances data as your topology changes, all without service impact.