Moving to Ruby and Rails Edge
Since our team always works with technology edge whether it is rails or ruby, from last week we started moving to ruby 1.9.3 and rails 3.1.3. I am sharing our experiences we found during migrating our product to rails and ruby latest release.
Ruby-1.9.3 Upgrade
Compare to ruby 1.8.7 in ruby 1.9.3 there are lot of changes, newly introduced, and things taken away, some of them are here –
1) Load path not including the working directory
require_relative or require './file'
2)New Hash syntax – without hash-rockets(=>)
{ name: 'vishnu', age: '26'}
3)Character Encoding – more encoding support for other char-sets
cp950, cp951, UTF-16, and UTF-32 etc.
4)Array – to_s no longer joins elements, but returns and inspect style representation
choice method goes to sample method method nitems removed
5)Procs and Lambdas – proc {} creates a Proc object instead lambda
proc {}.lambda? #=> false
lambda {}.lambda? #=> true
source_location method gives file_name, line_number of proc
6)Time – Time standard library changed
Time.parse uses dd/mm/yyyy format instead of mm/dd/yyyy Time monday?, tuesday?, wednesday?, thursday?, friday?, saturday? sunday? Available to check a day
7)New in Standard Library1.9.3
json, to_json and JSON.load(data) method is available with objects minitest MiniTest and MiniTest::Spec prime – Prime number library #=> true #=> false
8)Removed from Standard Library 1.9.3
soap/wsdlDriver, date2, ftools,jcode(removed because now encoding support), parsedate, rubyunit
Rails-3.1.3 Upgrade
In order to upgrade to Rails 3.1.3 version with ruby 1.9.3 here are some points, those can help you –
1)To support special characters in your ruby code
Put {# –– coding: utf-8 ––} beginning of the file and configuration in application.rb for default encoding. config.encoding = “utf-8”
2)Capybara should upgrade to 1.1.2 version and cucumber with 1.1.2 version
regenerate cucumber environment with required options
bundle exec rails g cucumber:install --capybara –rspec
3)By default ActiveResource uses JSON format
To make default XML format specify format in initializers
ActiveResource::Base.format = ActiveResource::Formats::XmlFormat
4)To load all helpers in each controller/action specify config
config.action_controller.include_all_helpers = true in application.rb
helpers :all in application_controller.rb
5)To load test_helper.rb in all test specs, use
require './test/test_helper'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
6)RJS template fix
RJS template and rjs code in controller is not supported, changed to .html.js template. For a quick fix you can use prototype-rails gem in Gemfile
gem 'prototype-rails' #Gemfile
prototype-rails do not use prototype.js it provides helper methods to support rjs templates. later on you can migrate all .rjs to .js
7) Enable assets pipeline
To enable assets pipeline, an import feature of rails 3.1, you need to set application.rb with configurations-
config.assets.enabled = true
config.assets.initialize_on_precompile = false
and production.rb with configurations –
config.assets.compress = true
config.assets.compile = true
config.assets.digest = false
config.assets.js_compressor = :uglifier
and gemfile should have a group :assets and should include saas-rails, coffee-rails, uglifier gems.
group :assets do
gem 'sass-rails', "~> 3.1.0"
gem 'coffee-rails', "~> 3.1.0"
gem 'uglifier'